A Restaurant week in Gauja National Park is a good chance to try different restaurants and their offers for a friendly price - only 20 euro for a 3 meal course. Check out the calendar and don't miss it!
At the heart of history for centuries, enclosed by picturesque stone walls, this castle was both a residence and fortress for the nobility. Nowadays, every summer the castle echoes with the sound of classical music during Sigulda’s world famous opera festival. The proximity of the Gauja and the wild river valley form a unique backdrop for enjoyment of the works of art wrought by man and nature. The soft sounds of music from the castle garden and the reverberations from the creative quarter enliven the harmonious atmosphere of the castle. Merging with the elegant neo-gothic architecture, a visit to the castle acquires a fine and noble aftertaste.
Līgatne ferry is the only ferry in the Baltics driven by the strength of the river currents, allowing to experience a pristine sensation during leisurely trip to the opposite bank of the Gauja river.
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