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Enter Kultuurisse

Brewery "Valmiermuižas alus"
Brewery "Valmiermuižas alus" produces a real master's beer, which is prepared following old recipes and by virtue of inexhaustible patience, which are necessary in order to put the live foamy beer on a festive table.
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Ungurmuiža nowadays
Ungurmuiža is the eldest Baroque wooden manor in Latvia and a cultural centre, hosting classical music and art events.
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Vienkoču Park
Learn about wood craftsman’s trade, green lifestyle and the history of the vicinity of Līgatne, and draw inspiration from the unique wooden sculptures and objects at Vienkoču Park!
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Woodwork museum at Vienkoči Park
At the Vienkoči Park Museum you will learn about the history of woodwork from the Stone Age up to nowadays.
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Cēsu izstāžu nams
Housed in an ancient Cēsis Castle Manor stable / coach house, the Exhibition House boasts excellent acoustics and expressive wooden structures.
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Valmiera Museum
Go on an exciting journey through the history of the city of Valmiera, looking at the old buildings and things, as well as listening to interesting stories!
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Mound Neikenkalns and the nature concert hall in Neikenkalns
Place where one of the most wonderful Latvian traditions – the Song Festival – was started is now home to the nature concert hall.
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Līgatne Craftsmen house
The Centre is located in one of the row houses on the School Hill in the culture historical centre of Līgatne Paper Mill Village.
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Vidzeme Regional Concert Hall "Cēsis"
The modern concert hall riddled with themes of nature has inherited memories of bygone cultural events in Cēsis.
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moreÜlejäänud objektid 13

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