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Gauja National Park Nature Centre

An indoor exhibition of the Centre shall offer free exposure and lessons on the natural values of the national park, sandstone rock outcrops and Gauja to every child and adult of pre-school, primary school, primary school, secondary school age in groups or individually.

“Gauja national Park is the oldest and largest among Latvian national parks. You can compare it to a treasure trove of nature, because there are rivers, valleys, forests, meadows, waterfalls, marshes, caves and rock outcrops, and many other elements of nature. Human beings are also part of nature, often eager to understand why and how human and nature interact. We will look for answers to these questions in nature cognition and creative lessons, going on hikes in order to learn a lot of new about plant and animal species living in Latvia, understand the impact of our actions on biodiversity and get inspiration to go to nature more often,” says Anda Andrušaite, head of Gauja National Park Nature Centre.

Classes will take place on working days indoors and outdoors with equipment, worksheets and various environmental cognitive games for nature exploration and research. Classes must be logged in on time, preferably at least three days in advance, at https://www.tiekamiesdaba.lv/lv/nodarbibas or by calling +371 26433668.

The group has a maximum membership of 25 people

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