The treasure of Amata municipality is its nature trails, which lead to the scenic cliffs and extraordinary rocks, and along the curvy banks of rivers Gauja and Amata.
Mossy stone boulders and old oaks surround the charming haven that is café "Milly", where you can savour the peace and quiet of nature while sipping a velvety fruit wine!
The Museum Reserve is a vast territory, rich in art and history gems – the Turaida Castle, the wooden church and many other buildings, as well as the sculpture garden.
Castle with thick stone walls built in the Middle Ages originally served as a fortress; later it housed luxurious estates, but now it is home to a school.
Cēsis New Castle is home of the History and Art Museum, which tells about various interesting historical events and displays the ancient interior. Here one can ascend to the top of the Neo-gothic Lademacher Tower.
During a recent trip to Latvia, I had the chance of spending a few days in Gauja National Park. If you happen to visit the country, you should make it a point to go as this is a place where nature is pristine and at its best, and where you can completely unwind from the stress of life in the city and challenge yourself with some great nature walks, bike rides and much more.
In this post, I will share some background information about Gauja National Park, and share some tips and ideas on how to make the most of it.
Gauja rahvuspark – koht, kus ajalugu, kultuur ja loodus võimaldavad sul kogeda kõike ürgset omaenese silmade, kõrvade ning kätega. Iga hetk ja kogemus Gauja rahvuspargis on looduse kütkes. See on paik, kus igast kohtumisest võib saada uus elamus, mida rikastatakse mängu, õppimise ja katsumuste läbi. Lai valik seikluseid võimaldab igal reisisellil valida endale sobiva paiga ja stsenaariumi.
Lihavõtte pühad on juba sel nädalavahetusel. Kevadisel pööripäeval Gauja rahvuspargis kiigume kõrgel, naudime pidulikku meeleolu ja rõõmustame kevade saabumisest.
Gauja rahvuspargis on säilinud looduse ürgne ilu, muistsed mõisad ja samas loodud ka toredad puhkepargid. Perekonnad on oodatud avarasse loodusparki puhkama, teadmisi omandama ja unustamatutele seikluslikele retkedele suunduma. Gauja rahvuspargis Gauja jõe kallastel asub kolm erilist piirkonda: romantiline Cēsis, roheline ja industriaalne Valmiera ja loodusest tulvil Sigulda.
Mais puhkeb ja rohetab elust pulbitsev loodus Gauja Rahvuspargis ja aktiivse puhkuse pargid avavad aktiivse hooaja. Gauja Rahvuspark pakub suurepäraseid puhkamisvõimalusi ja nädalalõpupakkumisi peredele, gruppidele ja individuaalturistidele. Nautige 6. kuni 8.maini aktiivse puhkuse seiklusi Valmiera, Cēsise ja Sigulda piirkondades.
Gauja Rahvuspargis pakutakse ülirikkaliku maitsebuketiga toite ja jooke. Retseptid on põimunud traditsioonidega ja järjest uuel tasemel ning armastusega loodud kulinaaria hellitab maitsmispungasid ja kõhtusid.
Gauja rahvuspargis on säilinud looduse ürgne ilu, muistsed mõisad ja samas loodud ka toredad puhkepargid. Perekonnad on oodatud avarasse loodusparki puhkama, teadmisi omandama ja unustamatutele seikluslikele retkedele suunduma. Gauja rahvuspargis Gauja jõe kallastel asub kolm erilist piirkonda: romantiline Cēsis, roheline ja industriaalne Valmiera ja loodusest tulvil Sigulda.
Enter Gauja has prepared different practical and interesting souvenirs from Gauja National Park, Latvia. Some of them - for hikers, some - for children.
We are happy to share a real experience in Gauja National park by a family with two children, 3 and 5 years old, who love to travel and write a blog about it. They come from United Kingdom and really enjoyed their travel around Latvia and Gauja National park. Read on to see what they loved here the most!
Don't just sit inside for four SUNNY days, get out and about this Easter and make the most of all the Things to do in Gauja National park! Take a look at our top Easter events below for some cultural inspiration, family time or just simple fun time together. Entrance are free of charge if there is no price mentioned.
A Restaurant week in Gauja National Park is a good chance to try different restaurants and their offers for a friendly price - only 20 euro for a 3 meal course. Check out the calendar and don't miss it!
As part of Sigulda Restaurant Week, guests are invited to enjoy three-course meals from a selection of nine restaurants in Sigulda and the surrounding area. Each restaurant will offer meal sets for two prices – 15 and 20 euros.
After the great response and love of the audience at the magnificent Riga Christmas concerts in Kipsala Hall, where pianist and singer Katrīna Gupalo first played the music of Imants Kalniņš, the musician decided to create the program "7 Sad Stars" dedicated to I. Kalniņš music.
Puhka Gauja rahvuspargis! Lai valik võimalusi, mida saab kasutada juba sel nädalavahetusel. Olete oodatud – järgitakse ohutusreegleid! Vaata, broneeri ja sõida Gauja rahvusparki!
Don't just sit inside for four SUNNY days, get out and about this Easter and make the most of all the Things to do in Gauja National park! Take a look at our top Easter events below for some cultural inspiration, family time or just simple fun time together. Entrance are free of charge if there is no price mentioned.
Toredad elamused või rahulikud jalutuskäigud ja looduse vaatlemine, festivalid ja filmide nautimine, jalgrattasõit või veeturism – siin, Gauja Rahvuspargis on see kõik võimalik. Tule puhkama ja kogu reisiemotsioone siinsamas - Lätis!
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