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Mound Zilaiskalns

Terrain form shaped by the glacier – around 1.7 km long and ~ 1 km wide large mound consisting mainly of sand (sandy loam and gravel sand at the feet of it) with slight admixtures of pebble.

Its absolute height reaches 126.7 m above sea level; however, Mound Zilaiskalns elevates above the local vicinity by 66.6 m. The larger mound has several smaller ones, the so-called Dieva hillocks (Mound Avotiņkalns, Mound Jāņa, Mound Oļu, Mound Upurkalniņš). From top of the viewpoint on Mound Zilaiskalns the broad landscape towards north is seen. On the larger mound there is a fire observation tower, which is closed to visitors. N territory is a NATURA 2000 listed area and a protected zone.


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