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Campingplatz "Ozolkalns"
Campsite in an authentic environment — at the foot of a beautiful hill, on the bank of a river, and surrounded by forests and meadows.
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Campsite "Žagarkalns"
Campsite "Žagarkalns" – overnight stay on the riverside.
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Campsite Lakeside Sigulda
Lakeside Sigulda is a silent campsite and oasis next to the lake Matins and Lorupes Valley. We offer campsite grounds for tourists and locals, as well as picnic spots where to gather with your closest ones surrounded by bird chirping and fire cracking.
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Campsite "Apaļkalns"
The quiet campsite "Apaļkalns" near the Raiskuma lake is a good place to relax, fish, go for inspiring walks and boat or bicycle trips.
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Tent campsite in "Mārkulīči"
The area for events and pitching on the bank of Brasla river, where you can try a variety of shooting types and take trips by boat.
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Sigulda Beach
Tent, caravan, camper and picnic places. WC, showers, water and electricity.
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Canoe Camping
Tent, caravan, camper and picnic places. WC, showers, water and electricity.
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Campsite "Jaunarāji"
You can rest in the campsite by the side of the Gauja river surrounded by bushy trees in all four colourful seasons.
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