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Gutman's Cave

Gutman's Cave is the largest cave in the Baltics is shrouded in legends and permeated with ancient energy.

Inside the chilly Gutman's Cave you will feel the presence of ancient stories and people. The sun rays that play in the spring of Gutman's Cave and reflect on its walls in beautiful patterns of light awaken the ancient legends!

One legend has it that in ancient times the cave was home to a good man who used the water of the spring to heal people. The cave’s name is derived from the German phrase “gut Mann”, which means “good man”. That is why people believe that the spring has healing properties. Let the spring water refresh you and the ancient legends inspire you!

The Gutman's Cave has also been  the backdrop for one of the most ancient and heart-breaking love stories.

This is where its main protagonist Maija, who used to live in the Turaida Castle and was called Roze (Rose) due to her extraordinary beauty, and her beloved Viktors, who was a gardener at the Sigulda Castle, used to meet. Even though the story has a tragic ending — Maija dies after sustaining an injury from another admirer — it never fails to evoke the most powerful of emotions that is love!

The sandstone bears inscriptions of baron and manor lord names, years, and coats of arms engraved by craftsmen, who had made it a business. They serve as milestones of history, silently retold by the cave walls.

Feel the relief of the inscriptions that have remained unchanged for centuries and are adorned with velvety moss, and the breath of antiquity.

Gutman's Cave visitors like to hear their voice echoing back to them from the cave walls. For a moment it seems that the walls are quietly responding. Experience everything this ancient sandstone formation has to offer!

Free of charge


  • Gutman's Cave is the largest and highest cave (or, to be precise, a cave-like niche, or grotto) in Latvia and the Baltics
  • It started forming in the post-glacial period around 10,000 years ago
  • The cave is 18.8 m long, 12 m wide and up to 10 m high
  • The oldest inscriptions on the cave walls date back to the 17th century
  • The cave was carved in the yellowish red sandstone cliff by the Gauja River and underground spring over thousands of years
  • It is the oldest tourist attraction in Latvia
  • The cave is an ancient cult location, where people secretly worshipped idols up to early 19th century

For your convenience

  • Paid parking
  • Restroom
  • Accessible to people with disabilities

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