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Application is open! Learn and become an entrepreneur!

We are seeking individuals from Gauja National Park region interested in participating in an international entrepreneurship training program that spans eight months and includes both online and face-to-face sessions.

The program will feature regional and cross-border networking, mentoring, and individual work, ultimately guiding participants in developing their own business ideas and creating a business model canvas. Successful graduates will get a certificate from Estonian University of Life Sciences.

This training is part of the three-year project, Enhanced Employment Opportunities in Rural Areas, executed by six regional partners and two universities from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Sweden, with approximately 1.025 million euros in support from Interreg Central Baltic.

Criteria for the participants:

The participants of the project have to be people:
1. Born either before 01.04.1974 (50+) or after 01.04.1999 (up to 25).
2. Who are not entrepreneurs at the moment.
3. Who live in rural regions of the program area.
4. Who understand and can speak at least basic English.
5. Who are willing to learn and intend to participate in the whole program.
6. Who are willing to co-operate internationally.
7. Who are willing to stay in rural areas as entrepreneurs or employees.

Training program 2024/2025

80 h of training that includes:

18 h (6x3h) online training, Oct-March

18 h (6x3h) local training and networking, Oct-March

20 h cross-border training and networking (3 days of intensive program)

9 h mentoring (6 x 1,5 h)

15 h individual work

Project Introduction:

The three-year project, Enhanced Employment Opportunities in Rural Areas, aims to improve self-employment for rural residents aged 50+ and youth through entrepreneurship training, mentoring, and networking. This initiative will be executed by six regional partners and two universities from four countries—Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Sweden—with approximately 1.025 million euros in support from Interreg Central Baltic.

Throughout the project, two 80-hour training programs will be conducted, spanning eight months and comprising both online and face-to-face sessions. These programs will include regional and cross-border networking, mentoring, and individual work, ultimately guiding participants in developing their own business ideas to benefit rural regions.

Project partners: Gaujas Nacionālā parka tūrisma biedrība (LV), Soomaa Tourism Association (EST), Enterprising Archipelago (AX), University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute (FIN), Municipality of Söderhamn (SE), Development Association Sepra (FIN), NGO Ökokuller (EST) leading partner - Estonian University of Life Sciences.



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